Words of Wisdom Blog

Looking for something more than meets the eye?
Join me here for my musings, messages and meditations.
These messages are here to assist awakening souls to make
sense of their new reality, of what is, and what might be.

Karmic Debt or Karmic Balance?

Karmic Debt or Karmic Balance?

One of the overall themes that the Galactic Council has been speaking of lately that I find very interesting and beneficial is the concept of Karmic Debt, which is, in brief summary, anything that benefits one at a high cost to another. Quote “Karmic Balance is the...

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Spiritual Bullying?

Spiritual Bullying?

Do those two terms 'spiritual' and 'bullying' fit together? How could someone who is completely focused on love, light, free will and individual connection to self and to Source possibly be a bully? Sadly, there are many in the spiritual arena specifically for their...

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Opening Hearts & Changing Lives

For anyone out there who believes they cannot singlehandedly make a difference, I invite you to follow the journey of Lyle Povah and the Drum Run Adventure Tour! This is the work we are all being called to, opening our hearts and following our passions. Lyle is...

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LOVE Challenge

LOVE Challenge

We can make a big difference in the world based on our choices. What are you choosing? Many of the people I am currently supporting are experiencing a sense of frustration and hopelessness, whether this is a concern about being on the right or wrong side of current...

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Sovereign Self

Sovereign Self

When we can enter into a state of simply being centred, we are better able to create and manifest from our own sovereignty, rather than looking to someone or something outside of us to tell us what to do, or more importantly, how to feel.

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Musing on a Gifting & Exchange Culture

Musing on a Gifting & Exchange Culture

This is a topic I have thought about a lot over the years and one that seems even more relevant now as prices skyrocket and wages don’t keep pace. I certainly am no expert on what it is or how it should work, but here are a few ideas to get you thinking. If you are...

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The Courage to Love

The Courage to Love

What’s in store for 2022? We have entered an unprecedented time of potential and it is up to each one of us to take this potential to its highest level. We are being invited to be the light and live in a state of love.

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The Great Test

The Great Test

It has indeed been an exceptional year! People have called it the great pause, or the great reset, others have joked about 2020 being cancelled or talked about the new normal. Virtually all have been shocked by the unfolding of events around the world. 

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