Have You Ever Felt There Was Something More?
My intent is to help others to find the pleasure of a joyful and satisfying spiritual life. A life that allows one to blend their spiritual beliefs and practices into their everyday world.

Meet Bonnie Bogner
Soul Alignment Founder | Channel of Galactic Wisdom | Intuitive | Author
Entrepreneur, traveller, mother, coach, daughter, business owner, sister, teacher, friend, animal & nature lover. So many words. But do any of them really describe me? Each one an aspect, but none really describes the whole being. I am spirit; first and foremost spirit, having a grand physical adventure. I am here to help demystify the adventure for others and to help discover what lies beyond the 3D experience.
I remember thinking while growing up, ‘Is this all there is?’ There must be something more. But I didn’t know what that was yet. I was born and raised on a SE Saskatchewan sheep farm, and spent my days among cats, dogs, horses, chickens and various other animals. I was given the wonderful gift of growing up connected to nature and all her beauty. I had a particular affinity to horses and spent endless hours riding the pastures and road allowances. My youth included many years in 4-H Horse Club and Pony Club as well as trail riding and many horse shows. I learned much from my wise horse companions and am forever grateful to each horse that I had the privilege of calling my friend,
My personal journey to empowerment has been long and sometimes rocky. My early adult years found me struggling through the corporate world where I worked in Information Technology for many years. I also had the privilege of becoming the mother of three amazing children who are now adults and my dear friends and wise teachers.
Long before I knew there was a name for it, I had an interest in metaphysics. I have spent the last 25 years delving ever deeper into that ‘something more’. My journey has created deep compassion for others looking to find their way as well; however, it’s still a journey, not a destination. The sage in me is continually calling for more expression and expansion in all areas of my life. This work is not what I do, it is who I am. I care deeply for the people in my life, including my clients and students, and I feel privileged to be able to share life experiences with them. Each time a client talks about how their life has changed after a class or session with me, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference.
In 2009 my life took a drastic leap in understanding when a non-physical group of beings who refer to themselves as the Galactic Council made themselves known to me and requested that I work with them. This relationship was initially shocking as I had not ‘gone looking’ for a group to channel, I was content working with the Angelic Realm and thought that was my calling.
I was actually in the middle of facilitating a large group in meditation when these tall slender beings appeared and said they wished to offer the group a DNA Activation. I wondered if I might have lost my mind, and feeling like a complete fake, I said to the group ‘We are now going to do a DNA Activation, you only need to give permission to receive the energy”. What happened next was incredible. These same tall beings all took up position behind each chair in the room with their hands over everyone’s heads. Then the most spectacular energies began to pour out of their hands. It was various Sacred Geometric shapes, in all colours of the rainbow; plus the shapes were all iridescent. I will never forget this sight or the awe I felt at that moment.
So there began my relationship with the Galactic Council, although I did not find out until later who they were. I had never heard of the Galactic Council and knew very little about Sacred Geometry, or DNA Activation for that matter. It took some time, but I gradually adapted to this new relationship and sharing their message has now become the central focus of all the work I do. I still love the Angels and am glad to have a relationship with them, however, my mission is to share the profound messages from the Galactic Council. I am certainly still learning and growing in the relationship; channelling well takes a long time to learn. I now feel deep gratitude for the opportunity to share their message, and while I may not always get it exactly right, I do my best. I have learned more about patience, acceptance, and grace from these wise beings than I have from all of the hundreds of hours of training I have taken over the years. With each level of understanding that they take me to, I have a preview of how much more there still is to learn and understand.
My intent is that I help others to find the pleasure of a joyful and satisfying spiritual life. A life that allows one to blend their spiritual beliefs and practices into their everyday world. I do my best to live my life as a role model for those I coach and teach, living and working from a heart-centred and spiritually directed place – consciously living what I teach.
Areas of Excellence:
- Founder Soul Alignment Practitioner Program; Master Instructor
- Founder of Galactic Conversations Channelling, Master Instructor
- Galactic Council Channel (through the spokes-spirit Ye’Yesh Ye’Yar)
- Founder of Galactic Council Transmission of Light DNA Activation
- Kumu (teacher) of Aloha & Ho’oponopono (Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim)
- Essence of Angels® Master Teacher (ULT Metaphysical School of Healing)
- Federation of Spiritual Healers Licensing Board (FSHLB) Coach License Facilitator
- Nominated for 2012 YWCA Women of Distinction for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Crystal Light Healing Practitioner®
- Angel Therapy Practitioner®
- Student of Advanced Meditation (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
- Best Selling Author ‘Hope for Humanity” & “Heart & Soul”
Areas of Study:
- Master Practitioner Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Advanced Neurodynamics)
- Master Practitioner Timeline Therapy (Advanced Neurodynamics)
- Hypnotherapy (Advanced Neurodynamics)
- Animal Communication (Marta Williams)
- Temple Lomilomi (Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim)
- Gathering of the Light Bearers (Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim)
- Therapeutic Touch (Garry Gallager)
- Touch for Health
- Crystal Healing
- Certified Medium
- Reiki (all levels)
- Deeksha Blessing Giver
- Channelling Basics (Pepper Lewis)
- Dowsing with a Pendulum (Erina Cowan)
- Dowsing and Space Clearing with Rods
- Access Bars
- Elementary Feng Shui (Erin Campbell-Howell)
- Biofeedback with EPFX/SCIO (all levels)
- Human Growth, Development & Recovery (Gage Tarrent)

Ambassador for 1 Million Meditators.
A global movement of highly conscious individuals who are raising the vibration of the planet to help it thrive again!
What People Are Saying
“I always feel that you really see and hear me when I talk to you. Even during group discussions, I always feel that you are tuned into the people you are addressing. There is no hiding from the truth when I am with you, it is like you can see right through me. That is a very good thing; if I am asking for guidance, I want you to see me as I am.
You also allow people to work at this own pace, even though I am sure you would like us to move along faster. And you do not just give answers, you allow people time to figure it out with a little help. I always feel that you encourage others to speak up and respect everyone’s input. It is a relief to be given permission to ‘just be’.”
“My story consistently includes my session with you in 2011. I left your home peaceful, without a question in my mind, a state which remained for nearly two weeks. I have never had another experience like it and as I read ‘the ancient secret of the flower of life’ I am compelled to thank you for this surreal experience and humbly ask for re-connection. Namaste”
“I’ve known Bonnie for many years now and have had the pleasure of working with her in private healing sessions, readings and online workshops alike. She is an inspired and passionate channel, facilitator and guide, who embodies strength, soft power, playfulness and truth. I would recommend her to anyone in search of a deeper connection to and experience of Self. Thank you Bonnie, for everything these years, I’m so thankful to have crossed paths and to have learned so much through you. “
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